- 请求信息 : 2024-12-23 01:43:40 HTTP/2.0 GET : https://www.fotemine.com/search.html?q=Crusher
- 运行时间 : 0.113657s [ 吞吐率:8.80req/s ] 内存消耗:5,177.43kb 文件加载:179
- 查询信息 : 62 queries
- 缓存信息 : 0 reads,1 writes
- 会话信息 : SESSION_ID=eefdc9cda7a1dbe2317340b9f4ff72b8
- CONNECT:[ UseTime:0.000428s ] mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=fotemine;charset=utf8
- SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `xb_article` [ RunTime:0.000813s ]
- SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `xb_similar` [ RunTime:0.000832s ]
- SELECT * FROM `xb_similar` WHERE `status` = '0' [ RunTime:0.000387s ]
- SELECT * FROM `xb_similar` WHERE `status` = '1' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000314s ]
- SELECT id ,CONCAT(' ', IF(`title` IS NULL, '', `title`),' ') as `title` ,CONCAT(' ', IF(`seo_desc` IS NULL, '', `description`),' ') as `seo_desc` ,title,seo_desc,cover,category_code,url FROM xb_article WHERE `delete_time` IS NULL AND ( (CONCAT(' ', IF(`title` IS NULL, '', `title`),' ') LIKE '% Crusher %' )or (CONCAT(' ', IF(`seo_desc` IS NULL, '', `seo_desc`),' ') LIKE '% Crusher %' ) ) [ RunTime:0.000609s ]
- SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `xb_category` [ RunTime:0.000629s ]
- SELECT `c`.*,`p`.`url`,`p`.`seo_title`,`p`.`seo_key`,`p`.`seo_desc`,`p`.`content` FROM `xb_category` `c` INNER JOIN `xb_page` `p` ON `c`.`code`=`p`.`category_code` WHERE ( `c`.`pcode` = 'Product' ) AND `c`.`delete_time` IS NULL ORDER BY `c`.`sort` [ RunTime:0.000752s ]
- SELECT `c`.*,`p`.`url`,`p`.`seo_title`,`p`.`seo_key`,`p`.`seo_desc`,`p`.`content` FROM `xb_category` `c` INNER JOIN `xb_page` `p` ON `c`.`code`=`p`.`category_code` WHERE ( `c`.`pcode` = 'product-12' ) AND `c`.`delete_time` IS NULL ORDER BY `c`.`sort` [ RunTime:0.000546s ]
- SELECT `c`.*,`p`.`url`,`p`.`seo_title`,`p`.`seo_key`,`p`.`seo_desc`,`p`.`content` FROM `xb_category` `c` INNER JOIN `xb_page` `p` ON `c`.`code`=`p`.`category_code` WHERE ( `c`.`pcode` = 'product-13' ) AND `c`.`delete_time` IS NULL ORDER BY `c`.`sort` [ RunTime:0.000442s ]
- SELECT `c`.*,`p`.`url`,`p`.`seo_title`,`p`.`seo_key`,`p`.`seo_desc`,`p`.`content` FROM `xb_category` `c` INNER JOIN `xb_page` `p` ON `c`.`code`=`p`.`category_code` WHERE ( `c`.`pcode` = 'product-15' ) AND `c`.`delete_time` IS NULL ORDER BY `c`.`sort` [ RunTime:0.000423s ]
- SELECT `c`.*,`p`.`url`,`p`.`seo_title`,`p`.`seo_key`,`p`.`seo_desc`,`p`.`content` FROM `xb_category` `c` INNER JOIN `xb_page` `p` ON `c`.`code`=`p`.`category_code` WHERE ( `c`.`pcode` = 'product-16' ) AND `c`.`delete_time` IS NULL ORDER BY `c`.`sort` [ RunTime:0.000432s ]
- SELECT `c`.*,`p`.`url`,`p`.`seo_title`,`p`.`seo_key`,`p`.`seo_desc`,`p`.`content` FROM `xb_category` `c` INNER JOIN `xb_page` `p` ON `c`.`code`=`p`.`category_code` WHERE ( `c`.`pcode` = 'product-14' ) AND `c`.`delete_time` IS NULL ORDER BY `c`.`sort` [ RunTime:0.000480s ]
- SELECT `c`.*,`p`.`url`,`p`.`seo_title`,`p`.`seo_key`,`p`.`seo_desc`,`p`.`content` FROM `xb_category` `c` INNER JOIN `xb_page` `p` ON `c`.`code`=`p`.`category_code` WHERE ( `c`.`pcode` = 'product-17' ) AND `c`.`delete_time` IS NULL ORDER BY `c`.`sort` [ RunTime:0.000606s ]
- SELECT `c`.*,`p`.`url`,`p`.`seo_title`,`p`.`seo_key`,`p`.`seo_desc`,`p`.`content` FROM `xb_category` `c` INNER JOIN `xb_page` `p` ON `c`.`code`=`p`.`category_code` WHERE ( `c`.`pcode` = 'product-18' ) AND `c`.`delete_time` IS NULL ORDER BY `c`.`sort` [ RunTime:0.000443s ]
- SELECT `c`.*,`p`.`url`,`p`.`seo_title`,`p`.`seo_key`,`p`.`seo_desc`,`p`.`content` FROM `xb_category` `c` INNER JOIN `xb_page` `p` ON `c`.`code`=`p`.`category_code` WHERE ( `c`.`pcode` = 'News' ) AND `c`.`delete_time` IS NULL ORDER BY `c`.`sort` [ RunTime:0.000511s ]
- SELECT `c`.*,`p`.`url`,`p`.`seo_title`,`p`.`seo_key`,`p`.`seo_desc`,`p`.`content` FROM `xb_category` `c` INNER JOIN `xb_page` `p` ON `c`.`code`=`p`.`category_code` WHERE ( `c`.`pcode` = 'news-19' ) AND `c`.`delete_time` IS NULL ORDER BY `c`.`sort` [ RunTime:0.000458s ]
- SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `xb_page` [ RunTime:0.000687s ]
- SELECT * FROM `xb_page` WHERE ( `id` = 14 ) AND `xb_page`.`delete_time` IS NULL LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000353s ]
- SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `xb_template` [ RunTime:0.000574s ]
- SELECT `id`,`code`,`name`,`file_name`,`config`,`platform`,`theme_config`,`theme_type`,`site_theme_config` FROM `xb_template` WHERE `code` = 'd8sipbp9y6wmjx9342xrfb5y9roeogvq' AND `platform` = 'pc' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000396s ]
- SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `xb_site` [ RunTime:0.000561s ]
- SELECT `type`,`key`,`value` FROM `xb_site` [ RunTime:0.000249s ]
- SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `xb_template_modular` [ RunTime:0.000531s ]
- SELECT t.code as template_code,`m`.`code`,tm.modular_config as config,`m`.`path`,`tm`.`parent_uid`,`tm`.`uid`,`tm`.`sort`,`tm`.`platform`,`tm`.`public_page_code`,`tm`.`ucode`,`tm`.`theme_config`,`tm`.`theme_type`,`t`.`site_theme_config` FROM `xb_template_modular` `tm` INNER JOIN `xb_template` `t` ON `tm`.`template_code`=`t`.`code` INNER JOIN `xb_modular` `m` ON `tm`.`modular_code`=`m`.`code` WHERE `t`.`code` = 'd8sipbp9y6wmjx9342xrfb5y9roeogvq' AND `t`.`platform` = 'pc' AND `tm`.`platform` = 'pc' ORDER BY `tm`.`sort` [ RunTime:0.000725s ]
- SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `xb_attribute` [ RunTime:0.000540s ]
- SELECT `id`,`code`,`title`,`value`,`is_global`,`is_edit`,`is_required`,`modular_ucode`,`source`,`config`,`path` FROM `xb_attribute` WHERE `modular_ucode` = 'mod_jhl4ubxtqle3tyofe4c4y6hdi8ygl5' ORDER BY `sort` ASC [ RunTime:0.000315s ]
- SELECT * FROM `xb_template_modular` WHERE `ucode` = 'mod_zcnri5aph42wo1cm1oygwqe42gm4c9' AND `template_code` = 'fvi6aaefv1e2x86vjkf1tsxz27fe7esj' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000341s ]
- SELECT `id`,`code`,`title`,`value`,`is_global`,`is_edit`,`is_required`,`modular_ucode`,`source`,`config`,`path` FROM `xb_attribute` WHERE `modular_ucode` = 'mod_zcnri5aph42wo1cm1oygwqe42gm4c9' ORDER BY `sort` ASC [ RunTime:0.000330s ]
- SELECT * FROM `xb_page` WHERE ( `template_code` = 'fvi6aaefv1e2x86vjkf1tsxz27fe7esj' ) AND `xb_page`.`delete_time` IS NULL LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000323s ]
- SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `xb_attribute_data` [ RunTime:0.000466s ]
- SELECT * FROM `xb_attribute_data` WHERE `attribute_code` = 'navigation' AND `modular_ucode` = 'mod_zcnri5aph42wo1cm1oygwqe42gm4c9' AND `pid` = 14 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000334s ]
- SELECT * FROM `xb_attribute_data` WHERE `attribute_code` = 'navigation' AND `modular_ucode` = 'mod_zcnri5aph42wo1cm1oygwqe42gm4c9' AND `pid` = 14 ORDER BY `version`,`id` DESC LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000334s ]
- SELECT `id`,`title`,`url` FROM `xb_page` WHERE ( `id` = 14 ) AND `xb_page`.`delete_time` IS NULL LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000232s ]
- SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `xb_menu` [ RunTime:0.000557s ]
- SELECT * FROM `xb_menu` WHERE `status` = 1 AND `platform` = 'pc' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000323s ]
- SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `xb_menu_structure` [ RunTime:0.000467s ]
- SELECT * FROM `xb_menu_structure` WHERE `platform` = 'pc' ORDER BY `sort` ASC [ RunTime:0.000269s ]
- SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `xb_attribute_bind` [ RunTime:0.000483s ]
- SELECT * FROM `xb_attribute_bind` WHERE ( `template_code_1` = 'd8sipbp9y6wmjx9342xrfb5y9roeogvq' AND `ucode_1` = 'mod_zcnri5aph42wo1cm1oygwqe42gm4c9' AND `code_1` = 'navigation' ) OR ( `template_code_2` = 'd8sipbp9y6wmjx9342xrfb5y9roeogvq' AND `ucode_2` = 'mod_zcnri5aph42wo1cm1oygwqe42gm4c9' AND `code_2` = 'navigation' ) [ RunTime:0.000254s ]
- SELECT * FROM `xb_site` WHERE `key` = 'sslstatus' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000336s ]
- SELECT * FROM `xb_site` WHERE `key` = 'domain' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000265s ]
- SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM `xb_promotion` [ RunTime:0.000805s ]
- SELECT `id`,`name`,`location`,`code` FROM `xb_promotion` WHERE `status` = 1 AND ( `range` = 'all' or `range` REGEXP 'all_page' ) AND ( `platform` REGEXP 'pc' ) [ RunTime:0.000338s ]
- SELECT `id`,`name`,`location`,`code` FROM `xb_promotion` WHERE `status` = 1 AND `range` = 'page' AND ( `platform` REGEXP 'pc' ) AND ( `related_ids` REGEXP '14' ) [ RunTime:0.000274s ]
- SELECT c1.`id`,c1.`code`,c1.title,c1.`sort`,c1.`slug`, p1.url, p1.seo_desc FROM xb_category AS c1 LEFT JOIN xb_page AS p1 ON p1.category_code = c1.`code` WHERE pcode='Product' ORDER BY sort ASC [ RunTime:0.000469s ]
- SELECT id,title,url FROM xb_article WHERE category_code = 'product-12' AND `status` = '1' order by `sort` desc [ RunTime:0.000437s ]
- SELECT id,title,url FROM xb_article WHERE category_code = 'product-13' AND `status` = '1' order by `sort` desc [ RunTime:0.000353s ]
- SELECT id,title,url FROM xb_article WHERE category_code = 'product-15' AND `status` = '1' order by `sort` desc [ RunTime:0.000305s ]
- SELECT id,title,url FROM xb_article WHERE category_code = 'product-16' AND `status` = '1' order by `sort` desc [ RunTime:0.000270s ]
- SELECT id,title,url FROM xb_article WHERE category_code = 'product-14' AND `status` = '1' order by `sort` desc [ RunTime:0.000293s ]
- SELECT id,title,url FROM xb_article WHERE category_code = 'product-17' AND `status` = '1' order by `sort` desc [ RunTime:0.000251s ]
- SELECT id,title,url FROM xb_article WHERE category_code = 'product-18' AND `status` = '1' order by `sort` desc [ RunTime:0.000255s ]
- SELECT id,`value` FROM xb_attribute_data WHERE pid = '2' AND `type` = 'article' AND (`modular_ucode` = 'mod_io8gpp5qq2j0ug8j8vii6h2hw1te1t' AND `attribute_code` = 'pro_pc_listimg') [ RunTime:0.000648s ]
- SELECT id,`value` FROM xb_attribute_data WHERE pid = '3' AND `type` = 'article' AND (`modular_ucode` = 'mod_io8gpp5qq2j0ug8j8vii6h2hw1te1t' AND `attribute_code` = 'pro_pc_listimg') [ RunTime:0.000645s ]
- SELECT id,`value` FROM xb_attribute_data WHERE pid = '4' AND `type` = 'article' AND (`modular_ucode` = 'mod_io8gpp5qq2j0ug8j8vii6h2hw1te1t' AND `attribute_code` = 'pro_pc_listimg') [ RunTime:0.000600s ]
- SELECT id,`value` FROM xb_attribute_data WHERE pid = '5' AND `type` = 'article' AND (`modular_ucode` = 'mod_io8gpp5qq2j0ug8j8vii6h2hw1te1t' AND `attribute_code` = 'pro_pc_listimg') [ RunTime:0.000643s ]
- SELECT id,`value` FROM xb_attribute_data WHERE pid = '6' AND `type` = 'article' AND (`modular_ucode` = 'mod_io8gpp5qq2j0ug8j8vii6h2hw1te1t' AND `attribute_code` = 'pro_pc_listimg') [ RunTime:0.000620s ]
- SELECT id,`value` FROM xb_attribute_data WHERE pid = '7' AND `type` = 'article' AND (`modular_ucode` = 'mod_io8gpp5qq2j0ug8j8vii6h2hw1te1t' AND `attribute_code` = 'pro_pc_listimg') [ RunTime:0.000639s ]
- SELECT id,`value` FROM xb_attribute_data WHERE pid = '8' AND `type` = 'article' AND (`modular_ucode` = 'mod_io8gpp5qq2j0ug8j8vii6h2hw1te1t' AND `attribute_code` = 'pro_pc_listimg') [ RunTime:0.000559s ]
- SELECT id,`value` FROM xb_attribute_data WHERE pid = '9' AND `type` = 'article' AND (`modular_ucode` = 'mod_io8gpp5qq2j0ug8j8vii6h2hw1te1t' AND `attribute_code` = 'pro_pc_listimg') [ RunTime:0.000581s ]
- SELECT id,`value` FROM xb_attribute_data WHERE pid = '29' AND `type` = 'article' AND (`modular_ucode` = 'mod_io8gpp5qq2j0ug8j8vii6h2hw1te1t' AND `attribute_code` = 'pro_pc_listimg') [ RunTime:0.000526s ]
- SELECT id,`value` FROM xb_attribute_data WHERE pid = '39' AND `type` = 'article' AND (`modular_ucode` = 'mod_io8gpp5qq2j0ug8j8vii6h2hw1te1t' AND `attribute_code` = 'pro_pc_listimg') [ RunTime:0.000641s ]